What to Do About Neighbors Poisoning Pigeons

Poisoning pest animals is never a good idea, especially when you start delving into the widespread repercussions that such an action could cause. If you suspect that one of your neighbors has a pigeon problem (because this kind of bird-related problem can be spread over more than one property) and are trying to resolve it by resorting to ‘lethal' methods, it's smart to educate them (nicely) on the error of their ways. What we are suggesting by this, is a friendly conversation and NOT a full-on fisticuffs.

When pigeons are poisoned, one of two things is likely to occur.

1 - The pigeon will NOT die. It might become quite unwell for a time, and may die as a result of predatory attack because it is weak, vulnerable, and unable to properly care for itself. There is no official poison for pigeons, and you might even find that it is illegal in your area to poison pigeons.

2 - The pigeon will die. This is a rare occasion because there isn't an effective, registered poison suitable for use with pigeons, and it could cause a ripple in the local environment. Poisoned pigeons can become dangerous to other animals, causing secondary poisoning in the animals that prey on weak and vulnerable or dead pigeons. That predator could be a local pet — cat or dog. It might even be a local scavenger, such as a fox or a coyote. Either way, the death of one pigeon will likely go on to cause the death or serious injury to other animals that you didn't mean to target.

In reality, pigeon poisoning gets nowhere close to resolving the problem. It doesn't seal up the attic space they're roosting in. Nor does it remove the pigeon droppings that are well-known to spread a range of dangerous diseases. It also doesn't repair any damage that the pigeons could cause, or their corrosive droppings. It doesn't remove any of the potential food sources that are attracting them to that particular property in the first place, and it doesn't prevent them from landing (and defecating) on the roof, windowsills, ledges, and more.

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